Mala of the Month™ for May

Spring is a common time for the world to celebrate and honor its mothers. In India, the mother is worshiped through several different goddesses who typically represent fierce compassion, love, fearlessness, and patience. In the West, we often honor and celebrate the earth or nature as our common mother.

From a yogic perspective, we all have the powers and qualities of the mother inside of us. We can acknowledge, honor and cultivate these inner strengths by setting intentions and reciting our prayers or mantras.

Our Picture Jasper and Magnesite Mala is perfect to manifest the motherly qualities of comfort, patience, communication, and calm. Picture Jasper is a grounding and harmonizing stone that cultivates a deep connection with the earth. Magnesite is known to cultivate resilience as well as helping to improve creative visualization and imagination.

The best mantra to activate the qualities of Mother Earth is:
Om Prithvi Deviye Cha Vidmahe
Sahasra Murtiye Cha Dhimahi
Tanno Prithvi Prachodayat
Translation: Om and salutations to Mother Earth. Oh, Goddess who has a thousand forms, open my eyes to see your wisdom. May you inspire, support and illuminate my mind.

For the month of May our Picture Jasper and Magnesite Malas are on sale for 25% off our regular price with coupon code: MOTM-MAY

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